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Hello everybody! I hope that you have all been well and am praying that everyone is having a good Christmas season! I wanted to reach out and let all of you know that my original destination to Uganda and Kenya did not have enough people sign up. This means they had to redistribute us on the other remaining destinations. But, do not worry, because I am switching to a route that will go to South Africa and Eswatini! This means that I will not be going to Uganda and Kenya, but do not fear for nothing else has changed! Any financial partnership will go straight to the new destination and it will be used for that. It is the same cost breakdown as I would have described to you from the previous trip. If you do have any questions about that, please feel free to reach out to me about it! I wanted to also let all of you know that I am in no way upset about needing to switch from one trip to another because I trust that God has me exactly where he needs me to be. He has taken the reigns on my life and to argue with his plan would be to question his authority and I have no need for that! The breakdown of the trip will be the same as I have explained to you guys in the past. I also would like to let all of you know that I am continually grateful for your prayers through this process and I couldn’t have done this without all of your help. Thank you again for investing in me and investing in sharing the love of God to people around the world. Praise God and have a wonderful holiday!

6 responses to “Africa Update”

  1. What exciting news. I know wherever you land you will be a huge asset.

    I also wish you and the entire Rose family a very merry Christmas and nothing but the best for 2025

    Love, Aunt Carole

  2. Know that this household is praying for your preparation and the journey.
    Check out Psalm 27. Our Bible study lesson this morning was on encouragement. Also study “tharseo” Greek meaning “to be confident and take courage”. Jesus spoke it five times: Matthew 9:2, Mark 6:50, Luke 8:48, John 16:33, and Acts 23:11.

  3. Your faith in God and his plan for you is very inspiring, Grant. I know that he will use your spiritual gifts in just the right way to plant the seeds to those around you. I’m so proud of the person you have become and that I have had the honor to watch you grow all these years. You are a blessing to our family!

  4. Grant, You know you are in God’s hands. True and use the good judgement God has given you.

  5. The clock is ticking! Almost time for leg one of your “great” world race! Study well in boot camp, but more importantly have fun!

    Ecclesiastes 8:15: “So I recommend having fun, because there is nothing better for people in this world than to eat, drink, and enjoy life. That way they will experience some happiness along with all the hard work God gives them under the sun.”